March 13, 2024
Why We Pursue East Turkistan’s Independence
Rukiye Turdush This speech was delivered at the 15th Uyghur Brotherhood Meeting in Istanbul on September 24th, with excerpts added…
March 13, 2024
Authoritarian Upgrading: The Dynamics of Exile Politics and Transnational Repression
Dr. Mohammad Affan Abstract Exodus of thousands of the Egyptian politicians, activists, human rights defenders, and scholars in the wake…
August 8, 2023
Les Effets des Défis Sécuritaires en Méditerranée sur les Pays du Maghreb
Dr. Nawal ZEJJARI Doctorat en Droit Public à l’Institut des Etudes Africaines, sujet de thèse: «l’Intégration Régionale en Afrique: Cas du…